We have settled on an overarching storyline for our music video, and I don’t know if I’m really really excited or just anxious.

I love the idea of a robber and his accomplice, going through some type of breakup. Though, shooting a storyline alongside a song can be hard, especially since our song is so extremely long. However, I am glad we are challenging ourselves and am excited to try out of the new techniques I have learnt this year and during the past weeks in class.

Our plan is to use the band members as actors so that we do not need to outsource any other people for our shoots; since there are 8 members, this shouldn’t be too hard as they are more than willing to join in.

We want to create a sense of betrayal within our video; there will be a heist scene where one of the main characters are caught, and the other gets away; subsequently living the high life until his accomplice gets out of jail and initiates her ultimate revenge.

I believe that the video will be quite funny with a strong identity; we have not yet discussed the idea with the band though they seem to be happy with us doing anything at all!