All About Amber – The Struggle
Today I was meant to take photos/ make videos for my Media 1 assignment; spoiler alert, I didn’t, I went to Taco Bill instead.
The incredibly vague task of formulating a “Creative Self Portrait” should be an inspiring challenge to prove my creativity, but instead I’ve been procrastinating the whole task. Let me elaborate; usually I’m the type of student to think out of the box, rethink an assignments instructions, and make it my own. However, on this occasion, I was greeted with the shortest brief in history (I guess you could say it was quite BRIEF!…I’m sorry), and the rule of “No Selfies” (which is a shame because I can take a mean selfie).
It’s so hard to think of representations which symbolise me, besides the obvious food and pencils. I took to asking my friends as to what they first thought of when I came into my mind, their riveting responses included: Kanye, and memes. Thanks for the help guys. It’s strangely demanding to base a project all around yourself; I’m used to telling stories in film of people who have nothing to do with me, absolutely no correlation, and now I have to create a miniature folio which emblematises nothing but myself, oh no.
One of the words that did stand out to me in this brief was the word “poetic”. It seemed an odd choice of wording to me at first, but then I realised exactly what it meant. I had to get emotional, connected even, to the mediums. Which honestly terrified me at first because theres nothing worse than being thought of as the pseudo-intellectual artist who feels a little too much all at once and believes an ice block represents their soul because it’s so fragile yet so solid all at once. Even though that is probably an accurate representation of me…
I’m trying to find poetic ways which will convey a sense of Amber without moving too far away from what I enjoy most, thinking outside the box. If I take a photo of an amber traffic light is that cheating? I don’t know, hopefully it’ll all be okay in the end. At Taco Bill I got nachos though so that made me happy. Note: Include photo of nachos in assignment, doesn’t get anymore poetic than that.
Hope I’m not the only one slightly baffled by this first assignment.