Tagged: week 2

(Para)phrases from Adrian fit for a bumper sticker

To be successful in the media industry we have to be knowledge producers not just knowledge consumers.

The method of this course is to make strange our assumptions, assumptions that matter–and when we change those assumptions, knowledge “happens”.

Every assumption about media and communications is now going through a change. We, are the VANGUARD for that change.


(“Vanguard” makes me feel like I’m back in my year 12 history class studying the Russian Revolution. I feel like a media proletariate, leading the network revolution, with Adrian as my Lenin).



Concrete-ness to Chris Argyris

I’ll admit, when I saw that the Chris Argyris reading was 25 pages long I mentally groaned.  After reading the important bits and skimming over others I needed some concrete-ness for my understanding and turned to the Internet for something that could help.


Here’s a video on Single-looped vs Double-looped learning that articulates Chris Argyris’ theory nicely.