dumpling girl

alvianty c sumantri

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Hi Pb 3

So I found out that in week 5 about the new assessment, interview. I’ve imagined how hard it would be to find the topic, interviewee and things. Moreover, there are many kinds of interview, like informal or formal, and I… Continue Reading →

Week 8: Fandom

The word “Harry Potter” must sounds familiar for many people. Through J.K. Rowling‘s writings, people have started their magic journey and fell in love with the journey she wrote; and through Henry Jenkin‘s reading, he mentioned that the everlasting of a fandom after the… Continue Reading →

Week 8 Workshop

As usual, we were divided into four groups and had to make a presentation about a certain topic. Our group (Josh, Aria, Isabella) got post-broadcast as our topic and from what we discussed, post-broadcast has an intention to involved the… Continue Reading →

Week 5 Workshop

In this week workshop, we were divided into a group and given a Sony Mc50 for our interview practice. The group had four members and each of us got the chance to be the interviewer/interviewee and the cameraman. Well, it took… Continue Reading →

The Art of Interview (week 5)

In this week lectorial, we had a guest, Louise Turley, she talked about The Art od Interview and mentioned the 5w, Who, What, Where, When, Why. She explained us about the 5w and mentioned some points we have to remember in interviewing… Continue Reading →


Besides visiting NGV, sleeping, eating and hanging out with my friends. I also started doing my interview and taking footage for it. I was planning to interview two people, but it turned out that one is enough, so I interviewed my… Continue Reading →

NGV visit!

Visiting NGV is always my favourite thing to do when I was in trinity doing my foundation studies. I only went there for HOI‘s material, for some of my friends listening to a lady talking for two hours and looking… Continue Reading →

My vision

Project brief 2: my vision

Finally I’m done with my project brief 2: my vision. One of the ideas of this video is my imagination + I want to be creative. I often think, what if the world is full of cute, funny or cool doodle like… Continue Reading →

Workshop 4: motivation from a classmate and finishing pb 2

This week workshop began with motivation given by my classmate, Brianna first we discussed the reading material and she gave me the motivation to keep looking for my passion because maybe my passion is something unpredictable or something I never thought… Continue Reading →

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