
Since our next project is a group work and it is important for us to understand how to be a good groupmate and avoid the group drama, which very likely to happen. So, this week lecture’s topic is…… “Collaboration/Teamwork”. I know how hard it is to work with a group, because sometimes when you give an idea, and the group reject that idea, you’ll be annoyed. Based on my experience, working in a group its..bothersome, because combining others opinion into one opinion it’s hard and sometimes when you are unlucky and get into the same group with the “parasite” or a person who never attend the group meeting and didn’t do any works. Also, it’s also hard if you end up in the same group with someone intimidating (and make you afraid to talk to him/her). So, this week lecturer talked about how important group communication is and other positive characteristics. Let’s face it, the hardest part of group work is communication. Sometimes we are afraid to tell our opinion because we are afraid of being rejected. And while

So, this week lecturer talked about how important group communication is and other positive characteristics. Let’s face it, the hardest part of group work is communication. Sometimes we are afraid to tell our opinion because we are afraid of being rejected. And while writing this post, I remember a story my teacher used to tell me. It’s about a group of astronauts or scientist, okay let’s skip that part because I forgot the detail, but this is a real story. So they were working on this rocket, which almost done and they held a meeting before they launch the rocket. One of them knew there is something wrong with the rocket but since that person is too afraid to speak up his mind, so he stayed quiet, and they launch the rocket. Unfortunately, the rocket exploded when they were about launch the rocket.

From this story and this week lecture, I learn that I have to speak up my opinion and it’s okay if they reject it, and it’s important to listen to others opinion as well because they might have some point. Even though there might be a conflict in a group work about the opinion or idea things, it’s okay. We are learning from our experience.