I decided to use “dream” as my theme of this project. I was influenced by R.A. Kartini, a Hero from Indonesia. Back then it was hard for women to have education and she was dreaming of having education, long story short, she’s achieved her dream and became one of the most influential women in Indonesia. This story became my background of this project, and I hope that my video somehow can make people believe in their dreams and give them confidently. At first, I was going to interview two people for my third project. However, I found out that interviewing people is enough and I’m afraid the time wouldn’t be enough since we only have 2-3 minutes.

Hence, I interviewed my friend, Nadira Sinulingga, and she is a Deakin University and also a radio host of an Indonesia program. I was nervous if she was not a camera person but I’m lucky that everything went well. She answered everything in my questions so well, and I’m satisfied with her answers. However, as I mentioned before in my previous post that I wasn’t close to her at first and I had to approach her to know how she spends her daily life. And after I got to know her better, I’ve got some footages that I need.

Moreover, the interview and the footages were taken on different days. The interview was taken at my place, as it would be more comfortable for Nadira to speak and I also considering the light and the sound. The interview process went smooth. I borrowed some equipment from my friends, such as microphones, tripod, and lens. I used my DSLR, I was thinking to borrow it from RMIT, but because I have to take the footages and the interview on different days, I changed my mind.

I thought everything was going well until the editing process. There is a problem with the sound that comes from the interview videos, it has the windy sound, and it’s clearly annoyed me. Luckily I also record the interview using my phone that was connected to the clip microphone. Because I used different sounds for the video, I had a hard time to match the sound with the mouth, I was so focused on this project, and I’m glad I’ve already used to Premiere pro. During the editing process, I still have to cut some unneeded parts, and I did that double, for the video and audio. However, after spent few hours in front of the computer. I’ve finally done with the editing. However, as I watch the video from the beginning, I started to think that I have to put few song as the background. While putting the songs into the video, I also adjusted the audio gain for the songs. So the song won’t cover Nadira’s voice.

Even though I’ve decided my themes since the beginning, I haven’t decided the title for this project yet, and the title came up after I am rewatching the video. I decided to go with “dream talk with Nadira”, and it makes the video sounds more casual, just like I wanted.