Besides visitingĀ NGV, sleeping, eating and hanging out with my friends. I also started doing my interview and taking footage for it. I was planning to interview two people, but it turned out that one is enough, so I interviewed my friend from Deakin University. At first, I was afraid she would lose her confidence in front of the camera and turn into a shy person. However, my thought was wrong, and she was so cooperative about this. She understood how to answer my questions and gave me good footages. I’m glad because of her things were easier to do haha. I took the footages of her daily life and her interview on different days.

Honestly, I was clueless about what should I take for the footage of her daily life since I’m not that close to her and IĀ didn’t have any single clue of how she usually spends her day. So when I met her, I decided to get to know her first by asking simple questions (not from my question list) of her everyday life and yeah by doing that I got clues of what kind of person she was and what should I take to represent her and her answers later. The interview went smooth, maybe since she is a radio host, she is familiar with doing an interview and answering questions.