alvianty c sumantri

Month March 2017

My vision

Project brief 2: my vision

Finally I’m done with my project brief 2: my vision. One of the ideas of this video is my imagination + I want to be creative. I often think, what if the world is full of cute, funny or cool doodle like… Continue Reading →

Workshop 4: motivation from a classmate and finishing pb 2

This week workshop began with motivation given by my classmate, Brianna first we discussed the reading material and she gave me the motivation to keep looking for my passion because maybe my passion is something unpredictable or something I never thought… Continue Reading →

The craftsman & the passion mindset

Week 4’s reading is interesting and inspiring, even it’s not in comic form, but the content is. I was going talk about the lecture, but reading and lecture are the same, so yeah. The main point of those is focus… Continue Reading →

short movie flashback

A good film not only resulted from good actors or director but also their editing team. Without the editing team, a film would not make any sense for the watchers even if they had a good story. Editing plays significant… Continue Reading →

comic gap

week 3 reading is about the variety of comics gap, which I never knew that they have names for it, they are: moment-to-moment action-to-action subject-to-subject scene-to-scene aspect-to-aspect non-sequitor (non-connection between panel) and I noticed that each comic have a different gap… Continue Reading →


After going through a lot of tears and sweat on editing (no, no tears or sweat at all), finally this haiku is finished. I have completed this haiku since Monday and was going to upload it on the tutorial day…. Continue Reading →

Self-portrait Feedback

Hey again, So in last week workshop Tristan, Josh and Joanna gave me feedback for my PB1 or my self-portrait. Well, it was more like an audition for something, and I should impress the judges with my performance. Well, in… Continue Reading →

My kind of Media

Hi! I should have posted this in week 2, but it took me a long time to think about this topic and now, I found the answer. So, in week two we were talking about what is media, and it… Continue Reading →

Week 2 Group exercise

In Week 2 Media 1 lecture, we were given group exercise: to find any form of media in the given are, and write, list and recorded it. So, we were split into 3-4 groups and I was in the same… Continue Reading →

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