Week 10 – Colour grading
This week we had our tuts in the suits, and Paul introduced colour grading to us. I’ve heard about colour grading before so it wasn’t that new to me, however I didn’t know how to use it in my videos so I wasn’t really sure what it could offer.
Through the exercises in class, I realised that colour could really change the whole look of my scene. This interested me because it was similar to what I was doing with lighting. The change doesn’t need to be very bold or loud, it could be a small tweak to the footage. Yet a subtle colour grade could have a profound impact on the scene.
Came across this video of comparison between the original footage and the colour-graded footage. Watching this masterpiece made me the realise how colour grading can influence the look and feel of a finished piece.
Colorista split screen of before/after color grading from Bill Voelker on Vimeo.
Seems like in the world of video, colour grading is an art form all its own.