Peers Blog #3
Everyone must still be in their holiday mood heh
1. I really liked Georgina’s post on Hashtag on Facebook! If there was a like button I would have liked it! In it she talks about the important things to remember while hash-tagging on Facebook.. I’ve had enough of nonsensical useless hashtags. #thisiswhati’mtalkingabout #ohgawdjuststop #annoying
Oh and just for laughs.. How hashtag would sound in real life!
2. I also found Dale’s Strong & Weak Ties really interesting! I’ve been doing the readings and it’s been just interesting looking at the studies and statistics! I’ve actually never thought of it that way, and I really like the example of how her weak ties were the ones who actually provided the help that she needed! So this concept really isn’t something that is foreign to us, it can even appear in our own lives!