About allisonmanefield

allison or alli or al. 22. audio. life.

Still Lost at Sea….

I’m still unsure how writing a blog is going to benefit my learning.

I guess it is a form of self publication and self expression. Maybe it will help me develop a direction in my flourishing media career.

BUT, I don’t see how posting a blog without any direction or context is helping with my professional development as a media maker. I feel the expansive nature of this subject is offering me no direction and I have no idea what topics I am meant to be “blogging” about. I feel that to publish a blog it should be started with a purpose, to engage an audience about a certain subject. To enlighten and maybe humour people with your ideas and opinions on this topic.

At this point, I have no direction, no purpose, and nothing to write about.

Maybe I need to be more confident with my self directed learning, but as an introverted person I am finding this task difficult.


00 Reading – Can I be Santiago?

I wish I could say I gained some insight into the networked media course by reading this metaphorical passage. Alas, it presents itself to me as self-indulgent drivel.

 Am I the boat? Am I in the boat? Is the boat my portal to the network of the ocean? Why is the ocean a network?  Why are there so many adjectives?

 After my literal mind considers these questions, I find myself thinking about Hemingway’s ‘the old man and the sea’. One of the most well written texts, I have read to date.

So now I find myself as Santiago pursuing a monster marlin. Driven in life to reach an ultimate goal, risking everything in a courageous effort. Even if it is only for personal satisfaction and no one else recognises your achievements.

I would much rather find myself in this boat than that of the networked media boat. Where I see myself lost with no direction, skimming over everyone’s ideas and struggling to find my own. With the monotonous beat of the waves lapping against the hull, representing my defunct concepts.

I guess I view this passage negatively, as I don’t see being lost as a process of discovery and enlightenment.  I want to set out on this journey with a path and a goal. Otherwise, I can see myself never finding direction in this mastless boat.





At the moment this blog feels like the abandoned cat that followed me home because I passed it in the street.

I resent it for the attention it requires. All it needs is some love and nurturing.

But I want nothing to do with it, I can’t find a piece of me that wants to commit to it.

This blog will hopefully document my journey in accepting this blog into my life.

I hope I can learn to accept it, so it can become an expressive representation of me…
