What a Shocker!

At the Lectorial this past tuesday, Dan played a sound clip of Girl Talk’s song ‘This Is The Remix’. Dan asked us to note down names and number of samples that has been used in it. The singers were new to me but I noted down the number of samples used, I could only find 10 samples but turned out that in reality about 22 samples have been used in that song. I was freaked out, it takes commitment and hard work to remix 22 different sound samples and mash up into one. It was a fun task to notice.

The Shooting Day

Today was our shooting day. I must say I thought this thing would be over in like half an hour or so but took us 2 hours to complete. It’s interesting to notice that just a mere 5-7 minute video takes that long. During the shooting process we had to face sound issues from the outsiders (people were walking in by, shoe taping, chatting). We sorted it out and then started with it. We managed to set up the three cameras, two microphones and one lightning source for that place. We connected a laptop to the lcd at the back to display footage. Kristian was holding laptop nearby the camera so that we don’t mess up the dialogues. After the filming, the footage was saved in my laptop and now I’ll start the rough cut over the weekend, whereas the rest of the crew will have to find royalty free music/sound effects to be added to the edited video later on. We are satisfied of what we have done so far, lets hope the video in the end comes out good. Rachel had a look at our video, but she would only comment when she sees some editing done.

What is Remix?

I never thought that remix could be considered as a serious text in media after today’s class. Remix can be defined as a global activity consisting of the creative and efficient exchange of information made possible by digital technologies. Everything we see is a remix of an original product. It’s funny when we sit in a room and brainstorming an idea and a brilliant idea pops up in mind and you consider yourself as a genius, well not really. Idea that you might have thought, is just a reflection of a precious thought unconsciously preserved in mind. According to Hindu mythology, There are total of 323 Vedhas (stories) and the rest are just a remix of it. What we have been doing all this time is just a remix of the original thought. So technically speaking, this means that there should be no copyright issues at first place. Comment below of what do guys think about it?

Media- Manupilation

So what is Media? According to me, it is a tool that can change the perception the minds of the masses, whether for good or for evil. Yes, the moment you turn your attention towards your news feeds on facebook or when you tune into your favourite news channel, you are being drawn towards manipulated facts and figures. Well there may be certain truth to it, but can anyone guarantee that what is being represented on your screens is the reality?

Hitler himself said, “By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise.” Media uses the techniques that provides a certain version of story and keeps repeating it so much that in the end the masses are bound to believe that it is the ultimate truth. We are seduced by the media; our taste develops accordingly and thus we are exposed to what we want to see eventually.

Which source should we trust? Well that I’m not sure of, but I do know that one should not judge the book by its cover, one should keep in mind that this story that is being shown is showing just one side of the coin, the other side of the coin has to be discovered, what is the truth in the end is all about how you perceive it.

How will you comprehend it?

Mind Mapping- Key to success

I always wondered how do the great directors like Peter Jackson, Spielberg and Spike Lee get to narrate the story in a such a beautiful way and hooks the audience till the end. The answer to my question was ‘mind mapping’. In today’s class, We all were introduced to the concept of mind mapping and we had to structure a story by using graph and the importance of character in numbers.

I found out that before bursting into the script, one must narrow down the key plot acts in the story as it helps set the mood and tone of the story. One common element that i discovered was that in all of the major blockbuster movies, the highest peak point of a story is usually towards end and the lowest peak is in the middle as what the lecturer said that the character is developing in these stages and thus the reason we as audience are intrigued into the motion of the story (keen to find out what will happen next).

This is how what normally a graph would look like for a good story, unless the character is interesting enough to hold the audience.


And they viewed it

Today we all looked at each other’s Brief 3, and had to give some feedback and criticism. So here is what my mates told me regarding my video.

Emma:Really like the opening title, it gives a hint of what it is about to come and hooked me up to see what was coming. Here is a link to her video :

Backpacking and Other Traumas from Emma Armstrong on Vimeo.

Jack: The opening shot is fresh, but the rest of the video quality seemed low, other than that, the narration and the link between the found footage is strong.
Here is a link to his video:

TAHJ from Jack on Vimeo.

Gloria: The whole brief shows an immersive experience of the character and that the found footage matches his story.
here is a link to her video:

Someone from Gloria Tanuseputra on Vimeo.

Dylan: He liked the use of subtitles as it shows the roots from where the character belongs and the juxtaposition of found footages and the narration were ironic.
Here is a link to his video:
*Waiting to be uploaded*

Signs Everywhere

Yes, it is true, everywhere you see, there are signs. In one of my previous posts, I mentioned the presence of media texts everywhere and that by noticing carefully, we get to analyse the layers of information present in it. Brian talked about semiotics in today’s class. He mentioned key terms of analysis in semiotics namely, Signs, signifier, signified, denotation, connotation, codes, Myth/ideology. Then we had a small class exercise where we tried to signify the images according to our understandings. I discovered that it is really important for a media practitioner to have knowledge of semiotics as I reckon it will help me in the near future and to analyse the same information but with a different perspective to it.

The Sound Drama

In this week’s workshop, we got a hands on experience of Zoom sound recorders. We got to know important key elements in sound recording and that there are actually 4 types of sounds, General sounds, vocals, speeches and noise. We were then divided into groups and went out to record different sounds for the class exercise. As such using the equipment was pretty easy but recording a conversation a metre away was challenging as the ambience sound was kind of overlapping with the sound that Maggie and I were trying to record.

But on the plus side, the ambience sound of water and train came out great. It is really important where you place the mic and perhaps now while I’m writing this post, I realize that is the only reason why we failed in the recording, perhaps i didn’t set it right or maybe the sound levels were not properly done right so we normalized it and it turned out the original recording was far better as the normalized version made the sound clip way loud.

Reflection- Big Screen- week 5

Nervous? Yes I was nervous when my self portrait was being displayed on screen.The whole perspective changes from your laptop screen to big screen, I wasn’t sure how will the others find it as I felt the sound of my project didn’t worked well but fortunately everyone liked it. They all seemed to get what I was trying to say in that 1 minute video. Watching others work was intriguing, things like time lapse, multiple camera edit and creative use of texts really opened up my mind. I’m sure I might use one of these creative ideas in my next project brief.

Reflection- Lectorial Exercise- week 4

What a joy, creating a narrative by using up to 5 cards. It was really exciting, we had to create a narrative into 5 sequences first, then we had to add a turning point by replacing a card and in the end we had to add new starting and conclusion to the story which makes total 7 sequence in the end.

First sequence is about getting your idea on the table, second is the plot twist, third one is the addition of new materials to the narrative. This card exercise informs us the time and space of the event and thus add meanings to the narration.The ‘movable part’ helps to understand the other side of the character’s story. I think it is somehow related to a persons life, his daily activities or strange encounters that normally one does not face works best as movable parts. The characteristics of ‘movable part’ involves drama, comedy, climax, action and adventure.