Sound, Camera, Action

Today when I entered the class, I saw something new on the trolley, Lights. I always wanted to learn how lightning works in filmmaking and today I got the chance to see that. Besides that, each one one of us were given roles and I was given the role of assistant director for today’s class exercise. Being the boss of the exercise for a 1 minute scene took us at least 2 hours to shoot the whole thing. I thought this could be done easily in less than 30 minutes but I was wrong. It took us massive time to understand the concept of lightning, it is really important to know how to light your subject so that your audience can understand the mise en scène.

Time is another aspect that we must focus on, you just never know what might pop up. The actor may have given time to someone else, weather might change (but it is okay if shooting indoors), equipment may not be ready yet and other things that I can’t remember right at this moment.

Teamwork is important, trust is one part of it, you have to rely on your crew members to do their best and encourage them as they go along the way. Being the assistant director is a hard job, it is big responsibility, if something is not going where it is suppose to be going and the producer shows up, you ought to know you are dead that moment. But along with the role, I understood the importance of sound people, they truly are the unsung heroes of filmmaking as they quietly observe what is going on and they place the equipment where it works best.

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