Assignment 3: Development, pt.8/8

Before finalising my edit, I sought out some last feedback from peers in terms of what I could improve. Overall my piece was well received in terms of its approach to noticing, and my peers liked the framing and construction of each shots. They also felt the soundtrack complimented the diegetic sound in terms of creating a serene atmosphere. The criticism I received was that I could refine it further by quietening the volume of the music, making some of the transitions smoother and letting some shots run for a little longer. This would to give the viewer more time to take in all of the elements of the frame. As my aim is to produce a piece of film that uses tuning as a means of attuned noticing, I found this feedback helped me to identify areas I where could intensify this type of noticing.

I was inspired by the quote from the Uriel Orlow reading ‘Chris Marker: the archival power of the image’, which examines the work of Chris Marker, a filmmaker and photographer. Orlow states that Marker present[s] films as archives, as collections and collages of visual, auditory and textual documents which themselves thematize the archival” (p. 438, 2002). I think that this summarises the kind of media that I aimed to produce, as I want to give the viewer an insight into nature through tuning into both audio and visuals. As a non-fiction piece, I would like my work to document real life, and emphasise the unseen qualities of the space I have chosen (a park setting).

Having now completed the final edit of my piece I have begun to think about what I want to do in terms of assignment 4. I would like to further explore the relationship we have with our environment in our everyday lives, and delve into how we interact with nature. I feel it would be an interesting idea to explore the patterns of noticing that are associated with this topic, as we often overlook the impact we have on our surroundings.

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