Assignment 3: Development, pt.3/8

Lingering test exercise:

Tuning test exercise:

Having completed my two noticing tests for lingering and tuning, I now have a clearer idea of the kind of media I want to produce and the style of noticing I wish to undertake in my assignment.

As I was completing the test for lingering, I experimented with shot duration and let the camera roll for the time it took for people to pass from one part of the frame to another. This allowed me to closely observe the movement taking place within the space, and my use of long shots gave the footage a voyeuristic quality. I found that static shots worked best for this exercise as they allowed me to maintain attention and audience focus on an event, as demonstrated in James Benning’s work.

I feel that to improve in response to this prompt, next time I would film for longer periods of time. This would give me more opportunities to edit in an interesting way. Feedback from my peers showed that I could improve by incorporating transitions such as fades into my edit to allow for a better flow in my work, as well as cleaner sound editing.

In my tuning exercise I used a lot more close ups, which let me focus on specific stimuli in my surroundings. I was more drawn to using dynamic shots such as pans in this test as they slowly revealed the environment to the viewer. For both exercises I captured the footage on my phone, which I felt that it would allow for a more authentic version of noticing within each space- however, I feel that this equipment is more suited to the lingering prompt as opposed to tuning. If I were to respond to the tuning prompt in my assignment, I would use a camera instead which was an idea supported by my peers. This way I would be able to focus and unfocus on objects in the foreground/background to ‘tune’ more effectively. As I was editing I was also able to make use of crossfades and other transitions, as well as zooms to zero in on objects.

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