Week 9- Instagram Photo


1. How did you author (the photo) you recorded for upload to Instagram?

To author my photo, I used my iPhone 6s plus rear-facing camera without flash, and chose my upload from a few different images. I found that this layout worked better to show the full environment of the doors I wanted to capture. This means that upload to Instagram, I had to consider how the image would fit into its new rectangle format. In my future photo uploads, I would like to see how I can work within the constraints of the square layout as well. I also moved some distance away from the doors to capture the entire scene. To edit the photo, I used Instagram’s image adjustment tools. I increased the warmth, sharpened the image, and used the ‘lux’ tool (the magic wand in the upper section of the editor) to apply auto correction to the image. Using the instagram app to author my image was a familiar process, as I often use the image correction tools on personal photos that I upload to Instagram. Occasionally I turn to other mobile editing applications such as Lightroom or VSCO to achieve a desired effect, so it was interesting to notice the differences in my editing process.

2. How did you publish (the photo) you recorded for upload to Instagram?

To publish the image to my Instagram account, I followed a similar process to my earlier video post. I included a caption detailing how I came across the doors I photographed, and used similar hashtags to describe the image. Some of the tags I used stayed the same, for example #iphone6s, #door, and #melbourne. As it is an image this time, I also included tags such as #photography and #streetphotography as well as some other descriptors, like #trees, building and #sun. To publish the photo, I continued with the photo I had chosen and used the rectangle format to fit within the size constraints of Instagram alongside the caption and hashtags I provided.

3. How did you distribute (the photo) you published on Instagram to other social media services?

Like my last post, I distributed my image to both my Twitter and Tumblr accounts. To post to Twitter I simply had the option to toggle to that platform enabled. To post to Tumblr, I manually uploaded a linked post to my Instagram account on my blog, accompanied by the tags from my original Instagram post. My Instagram hashtags are also helping to distribute my post within the app, so I received a few likes after posting the image.

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