Week 11- Instagram Photo


1. How did you author (the photo) you recorded for upload to Instagram?

Similar to my last photo upload, the constraints of Instagram’s square camera format influenced the way I recorded the image, as this forced me to consider framing within the shot. To capture the image, I moved closer to the doorway to carefully position the doorway within the frame. I authored this photo using no flash, and the rear-facing camera in Instagram on my iPhone 6s plus. The original image was extremely dark due to the low light in the laneway, so I used Instagram’s image adjustment tools to alter the brightness, lower the highlights, and lessen the shadows to reveal more of the image. I considered also applying a colour filter within the app, however I felt the original colours suited the image quite well. Therefore, it required a lot of experimentation to decide on a final image to upload. I think I have also gotten used to authoring images using this method as the process was a lot faster this time around than the first few times uploading images on the platform.

2. How did you publish (the photo) you recorded for upload to Instagram?

After finishing my image adjustments, I took a break before uploading the image and saved it as a draft within the application. When I was ready to publish, I opened the image, added a caption and relevant hashtags, and included the location the image was taken (Hardware Lane). As the image was also taken in the same location as a previous photo post, I added “1/2” to the caption to show that it was part of a photo set in the same row. I feel that the layout of my posts overall has turned out the way I intended, as each row includes 2 photo posts with a video post in the centre. I think posting in this way makes this post stand out a little as it mirrors the accompanying photo post on the right side of the page.

3. How did you distribute (the photo) you published on Instagram to other social media services?

For this post I distributed my photo to my other social media accounts, Twitter and Tumblr, posting in a similar manner by sharing simultaneously to Twitter and uploading a linked post manually to my Tumblr blog. I’ve found that while posting on this account I was able to increase the amount of likes, followers and comments I received by using the linked accounts feature and hashtags on the site. This is definitely something I want to explore in my own media practice in the future, as I feel it will help me to expand my audience when creating content.

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