Week 10- Instagram Video


1. How did you author (the video) you recorded for upload to Instagram?

 This week I authored my video using my iPhone 6s plus rear camera to record my footage, with no flash. I found this different to recording within the Instagram interface as I did in Week 9, as I only had to tap a button to record my footage, instead of hold it down. I used one short, continuous take to capture my surroundings. While in my Photos app, I trimmed the video to a shorter length; as I am keeping in mind that shorter videos work well with Instagram’s format as it lets them loop on repeat. I also left the original audio so as to better capture the atmosphere and establish some consistency with my last video upload. Similarly, while authoring I chose a ‘cover’ as the preview picture, this time of the numbered door to emphasise it within the frame. To edit my video, I chose to use the mobile app Infiltr to add a video filter. To keep in consistency with the earthy colours of my last couple posts, I emphasised the green of the plants by boosting the green slider and lowering the saturation of the image within Infiltr. Though the original video was filmed in landscape, I cropped the video to match Instagram’s square format. While doing this I had to consider the most important part of the frame, and make sure the door was in view. This authoring process for video is something I am used to, as I usually edit my footage on external apps before uploading them to Instagram. In my next video upload however I would like to continue recording within the app like in my last video, with a focus on start and stop recording.

2. How did you publish (the video) you recorded for upload to Instagram?

I published the video to my Instagram after selecting it within the app, choosing a cover frame and typing a caption that fit the content of the video. As it was filmed in the same location as the previous photo I uploaded, I numbered it 1/2 so that the viewer knows it is part of a set of 2 pieces of media. As usual I also included a block of hashtags that described the upload such as #door, #video and #melbourne to attract users browsing these tags within the app. I left the settings so that the video would play automatically on loop, to show the contrast between the wooden door, and the garage roller door beside it during the pan across. I have also started to include locations in my Instagram uploads, so for this post I added the location it was shot to its Location section.

3. How did you distribute (the video) you published on Instagram to other social media services?

As usual, I distributed my video to my other social media accounts (Twitter and Tumblr). I posted simultaneously to Twitter using the Share toggle of the post and manually uploaded a linked post to my Tumblr blog, with the tags from my original Instagram post. The post was also distributed within the app using the hashtags I included within my caption. I have found that hashtags are actually pretty effective in distributing my content, and I’ve received a few followers since I’ve started posting to the account- I even got a comment on the post prior to this one (lol). Following users that share similar content (other door accounts) has also increased traffic to my account somewhat.

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