Assignment 3: Development, pt.4/8

The two pieces of media I have found inspiration in which notice are:

Her (2013), Beach scene

American Beauty (1999), Plastic bag scene

An idea I would like to incorporate into my assignment from the film Her is  the concept of tuning between different elements in a frame, by focusing on some stimuli and omitting others through blur. This is seen when the people in the foreground are out of focus, whereas the ocean is in clear view in the background. I think that this creates an interesting relationship between the character and his surroundings.

A technique I would like to use from the scene from American Beauty is the use of the static shot, which creates a lingering effect on the two characters and the video of the plastic bag they are watching.  It maintains the viewer’s attention as the only movement in the shot is coming from the television screen. This idea of movement and attention would be interesting to explore in my own work.

After evaluating my initial testing, finding media inspiration and testing constraints, I have selected the prompt word of tuning. My recipe for noticing is as follows:

Aim– To tune into various aspects of nature, through shifting the focus on visual and auditory stimuli.

Equipment– Nikon DSLR camera, external microphone, tripod


  1.  I will travel to a park that is familiar to me, with the intent of discovering unseen qualities in my surroundings.
  2. I will record a combination of static and dynamic shots whenever I notice an aspect of nature that is interesting in terms of either visuals or sound. I will use my camera lens to focus or blur out certain information in the frame so as to ‘tune’ in on certain elements.
  3. My footage will be comprised of close ups (x6) and long shots (x4) that will run for approx. 15 seconds, some more or less depending on movement in the frame. This will give me about 2 mins and 30 seconds of footage to manipulate in total.

Sound– A combination of diegetic sound from microphone + an ambient soundtrack to be chosen at a later date.

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