Assignment 2: Development, pt. 2/4

Adele and I have worked together to come up with a recipe for noticing in our respective locations. We decided to focus on technical requirements while filming, as opposed to obtaining specific imagery or shots; in doing so, we feel that we will be able to notice our surroundings in a more authentic, less restricted manner. As a general rule, we intend on recording anything visually striking in our surroundings or that grabs our attention (colours, objects, patterns, movement).

Our recipe for noticing is the following:

– 12 shots each, of 5 seconds in duration (for a total of 24 shots or 1 minute of footage per person)
– A 1:1 ratio of static and dynamic shots (e.g. pans or tracking movement)
– Equipment: Phone camera
– Format: landscape orientation
– 1 sound recording of each location (general atmosphere) about 60 seconds long, captured on phones
– A variety of shots, including close ups and long shots

With this recipe in mind we intend to record footage that reflects our experiences in unfamiliar locations, and compare similarities and differences in the way that we notice. We are thinking of presenting our footage in a way that reinforces this idea, for example, a side by side comparison of certain shots that are similar or complement each other. We were also encouraged to incorporate all of the video and audio that we record rather than remove or alter any footage. This would assist in presenting a holistic version of what we notice and allow for a more authentic version of reality as we perceive it.
We have also decided to present each shot in 5 second snippets, as it is a long enough period of time for the viewer to take in the majority of elements in the frame. By repeating the same shot in conjunction with a shot from the other location immediately after, the viewer is given more time to take in its finer details and compare both of the shots.

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