Assignment 2: Development, pt. 1/4

For this task, I am collaborating with my partner Adele to create a piece of work that focuses on noticing the unfamiliar. In class we developed two basic variations of a recipe that we will use to assist in our filming and noticing practice. This includes elements such as: shot duration, shot size, camera movement, camera orientation, and the equipment we will be using. This is an important consideration as we want to produce a consistent piece of work, while also reflecting our own individual noticing practices in unfamiliar locations. We are also considering including specific aspects to notice in each other’s locations, which will make it easier to compare and contrast the ways in which we notice them.

The location I chose for Adele to notice was Highpoint Shopping Centre in Maribyrnong, and for me Adele chose Greensborough Shopping Centre. I chose this location for Adele as it is somewhere she is completely unfamiliar with, which will likely produce patterns of noticing different from mine (as someone who frequents the location, and is desensitised to a majority of its features). Adele picked Greensborough Shopping Centre for a similar reason as I have never seen or visited the centre before. As our locations are both very similar, it will be interesting to see the differences in what we notice, or if we will notice similar things.

By completing this work I hope to further develop my ability to actively notice my surroundings through marking and recording them, as discussed in the John Mason reading Forms of Noticing from week 1. I would also like to have a deeper understanding of what motivates my patterns of noticing. By undertaking this task, I would also like to broaden my understanding and approach to non-fiction media, as we are producing work that is reflective of reality.

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