This weeks symposium felt less as though we were being talked at, and more as though we were in a group discussion. Adrian Miles, along with the other tutors sat facing towards us, answering my tutor groups questions from the copyright based readings.
We went so deep into discussion, placing ourselves in an abuser of copyright’s shoes and seeing our fate.
One point that struck me was when Adrian told us about what happens when, say, I decided to leave my blog comments on. If i were to not check my comments for a few days or weeks, and there was spam linking to child pornography or other pages with illegal content, i would be responsible for those links, and therefore could be labelled as a child sex offender, effecting the rest of my life’s doings over pretty much not turning my comments off or forgetting to check and delete unwanted spam.
I have only been enrolled in this subject for three weeks and have already learnt life lessons about the internet and individuals rights.
Am now intrigued as to how much more i will have learnt by the end of semester that i can take into my future years…