First of all, i am already lying with you on the carpeted floor of Michael’s parents living room as i feel entranced by his flowing, rhythmic words. Second of all, his post, ‘Puddles of Spit’ talks in response to week 6’s reading and his never ending thoughts about networking and how we become fragmented, no longer existing in physical realms. I guess in response to his post, i agree that on each networking platform i feel as though i take another identity, and i too wonder whether i’m the same person in real life as the presence that ‘freely transverses our digital landscape’. Sometimes after i browse a persons Instagram, Facebook or Twitter i form an idea of who this person may be, how they may act or appear, however, upon meeting them they completely destroy my original formation. Is it possible that we change the way we behave, alter our appearance for these social networking sites? And if so, are we doing it because we feel we have more control over who we are that in real life? And we have the ability to perfect and soften the sharp edges that accompany our physical presence?
© 2014 Alexandra Race-Lyons