In todays symposium,
‘How does individual behavior aggregate to collective behavior’
- Ideas prior to the internet and the way individual behavior is aggregated. To understand that internet connectivity is only one aspect in the way we communicate. Without having a level of internet connectivity, how tribes or communities are still able to communicate within that realm. Can they form a bigger idea of the systems in which they survive in? Current connectivity vs. the lack there of without technological devices.
- There is no center, this is the way blogs work. Thinking of blogs as an ecology.
- Authorship ships to be the designer of the relationships you facilitate to emerge.
- When we are dealing with distributed networks what you are dealing with are nodes with restrictions (melbourne transit system, the map) you cant have too many emerging hubs in the system. Unlike a book, there are some sites that have many links to other sites and some that have few.
- ‘The Oracle of bacon’ – revealing the links between everyone and Kevin Bacon. If you write something about somebody else online, they will know.
It’s a small online world.