Bringing out the old family photo albums tonight made me begin thinking about when i was first exposed to the world of the never ending web. Before having my own computer or stealing dad’s to sneak on to MSN or Habbo Hotel i had an unbreakable bond with my younger sister, playing every hour we got together before bed time. But even then we would play in the dark passing teddy bears between the bannister of the bunk bed.
Nowadays, who would think of that as a form of entertainment?
I look at my 8 year old brother who has his own plasma TV, barely sharing a five minute conversation before he returns to his online Xbox game or iPad. Unfortunately, once i was given a computer of my own, exploring myspace, tumblr, blogs and wikipedia for my homework, i gradually disappeared into my bedroom until my relationships with my family became a lot less strong, in particular my younger sister.
So i’m not really sure what i want you to take from this, but i am thankful for being introduced to a whole new world of possibilities to enrich my knowledge, however, sometimes i reflect and think maybe i was too young, or maybe i used it for the wrong purposes and let it overtake my life.
Maybe what i am trying to say is that the world wide web, the internet, should be used in moderation, and should never have become as dominant a role as it in our lives today.