This isn’t really a reflection on the course material but an overview of what I’m thinking right now looking back and forward. This semester has been very beneficial to my filmmaking development and as a human being. I’ve had lots of trouble along the way with getting uni work in and balancing my time with work and social commitments. Its been three years since becoming an ‘adult’ and I’m still slowly learnt the industry/world works so I feel ok about my current outlook. I feel like I could have done more but it doesn’t matter because maybe I’m not ready (or maybe that’s the wrong way to look at it). Unfortunately I don’t really learn from my mistakes and always say that it’ll be different next time. The main take away is the need for a process for my life. Knowing what the day has in store with achievable tasks will be the first step in ground myself; having a clean room, exercising and going to sleep at a reasonable times is good place to start. From here it will influence my organisation of not so clear tasks such as assignments like this or filmmaking process. I have stunted myself for too long by not addressing my problems which is why I look forward to having some time off to re-adjust and figure out what I need to ‘move forward’ as the end of my uni career is neigh. I’ve got lots of time till then but only if I learn from this semester and build upon it. It seems as though there is a lot of stuff coming my way so its in my best interest to grasp it by the horns.

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