Straight after our presentation we got into filming for project 1. We set about to build a cinematic night atmosphere using 4 led lights and a fog machine. We knew from the start that we didn’t have to create realistic lighting on the scene as the script Michael had made allowed us to follow film noir conventions. Even so, there is still a balance between style and the real. The trend of independent and high budget films today is in creating a natural cinematic soft look. At our level of knowledge its easy to generate an image which is faithfully noir but easily falls into its cliché trap of over stylization. So we set about creating a morph between the style of now and then by defusing all the lite panels and distancing some away from the action, while a lower intensity was places near the foreground elements to give a stronger light to the scene but with soft rolloff. The environmental lighting was set to a height to emulate the moon gleaming across the subjects and background. The environment is an important device in film noir so having two lights solely running against the car and the carpark gave the scene a sense of depth and coldness and picked up the smoke machines fog perfectly, but maybe too much. Overall the shoot was very successful as seen in the video. There are a few things wehre we could improve on, such as controlling the smoke etc but I can only really comment on the stuff I helped out on as I had to leave halfway though.

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