Head Trauma – Reflection – Project 3


In my last reflection I said I wanted to pull away from lo-fi aesthetics ad themes. I always had this intention. Now with Project 3 completed I feel like I have succeeded in making something a bit more beautiful.

So how did the portrait turn out? Pretty good.
I was happy overall and with the general flow of the film. It does have a certain momentum throughout. It has distinct peaks. It has a resolution. A climax as well. But one thing I will take away from this is a new profound respect for people who create documentaries. It’s bloody hard, tedious and tiresome. I spent so long going though the footage, cutting and positioning them to make sense of what I actually had.

Cuttings the easy bit. The hardest part is finding the best clip, out of the many. What makes it harder is that I have a particular OCD (self diagnosed but not that serious) with this kind of stuff I HAD to make sure I had the right piece of footage. I would often lose things throughout the premiere timeline and have to skim though every sound bite until I found the one that’s in my head.

Another thing I found hard, which I assume everyone else was experiencing, was trying to fit the story in 3minutes. I believe this is impossible to achieve (in most cases) if the story is to maintain its integrity. There were really important aspects in Ed’s journey that I couldn’t fit in. While the portrait still holds together, if I just had another minute of runtime the whole vibe of the video would be very different. But because there was such a hard constraint it forces your to decide what’s actually important, and what isn’t.

Seperate reflection on the audio composition

One thing I think I did well on the video was the incorporation of multiple storylines. There’s the story of the fish in the dirty tank then to the clean tank at the end, symbolising Eds positive outlook and reflection on the traumatic event. There’s the storyline of the invincible man which complements Eds story;

Zapped with electricity -> Eds seizure and coma

Waking up -> Ed Waking up

Confusion when waking up -> Eds confusion of the Clay woman

Indestructible man being helped to the bed -> Ed realizing the severity

I feel like harmony and closure of the plot was complimented thought this process.
I’m actually really interested in dream sequences so deciding to interview Ed was a no brainer (Disclaimer Eds also a good friend). For my VCE media video I tackled similar concepts of consciousness but because this is a real story I had to stick to it. I filmed all the B-roll in 60fps so in post-production I could slow it down to give it the ‘dream’ aesthetic. Fading the dark shots over each other and applying blend modes created some great transitioning. The RGB split represented Ed slowly falling into the coma. On all the shots I also added a blurriness to further the dream aesthetic

I purposefully didn’t show Ed talking till the pace shift (where the music changes). I wanted the audience to feel as though they were watching a story unfold. Then forced them into current time by showing Ed now, talking to the camera. I only revealed darkened glimpses of Ed in the bathroom to heighten feelings in the pace shift. I do worry that some of the narration is hard to understand and hear properly.

This project went a lot smoother than the last, mainly because I had to organise the interview at least a week before the deadline. I slowly chipped away at it. Although I spent all of yesterday working on this I am very happy with the outcome.

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