NGV Final Statement

Our Group; Perception wanted to focus more on the space itself and how the artwork was attracting and enhancing the visitor’s experience. We originally wanted to convey the emotions we felt when visiting the gallery but found with only the five of us that it was hard to get a broad collection of data on different emotions. We then thought that another way to encapsulate the essence of the space was to focus on the senses that the installations activated; sight, touch, sound, taste, smell, vestibular sensation (balance) and proprioception (movement).

We visited the gallery as a group to discuss how we could manage the task and the best way to break it down to collect our data. We then went back individually to take in the installations and record what senses they activated in a data table. We chose a select group of works, installations, video works and sculptures as we felt they were the most engaging with more senses in an objective way, whereas paintings would just engage objectively sight.

We decided cellophane would be an effective way to display our data as the coloured layers represented the overlapping of the senses and how the experience was heightened when multiple senses were engaged. We presented the data in order as though you are moving through the exhibition in order to create a sensory map.

Our data showed that sight was evident in all of the installations whereas smell was only evident in one. If we were to collect the data differently we would effectively take more notice of the installations blended in with the environment. For example, the café and children’s area were both later established as installations, but as it was in an open area we came to the conclusion it wasn’t a part of the gallery.

NGV visualisation

We chose to represent the data using cellophane layered over each other which changed the opacity of each individual artwork represented if it had more or less senses attached to it. Originally we were going to do the cellophone represented in a box but because of our ability to make it we decided a clearer way to display it would be along a string and that way the class would be able to see how the gallery progressed from one sense ‘theme’ to another. While the final thing didn’t look amazing it still visualised the data in an easy to read way

NGV Group Assignment

For the NGV group project we wanted to bring our senses into the communal data so we went through and each documented different parts for the show. It was good but bad doing it this way because you think about different things but it also becomes a chore. We categoriesd the art into 7 senses; Sight, Sound, Touch, Taste, Smell, Balance and Proprioception. Proprioception is the sense used to navigate based on previous experiences. This added another element to the data as most of it was very basic. Touch was a bit wried because traditionally you cant touch artwork but in the triennial its very ambiguous. Initially we were going get teh data by how the artwork made us feel but was too subjective to be accurate. Art is subjective so it would be alright to do as a personal project of course but data is usually seen as something concrete which is why we end for senses

Framing Outside

In week 4 as an exercise we captured photos which looked though paper holes. The purpose was to constrain the amount of data we could capture. I started taking photos randomly and after the first few found a common theme. As you might notice from them they all have an intersection/corner point where three lines meet.

Week 2

When you think about how different the world is with non paper maps it makes everything so much easier and faster. I remember being very young and having to help with directions from the Melways on the way to Saturday sport to the unknown suburbs of Melbourne. It visualised its data on 2d plane then stacked two bibles thick. Now we have 3d phone maps which are good but are they really useful?

Im already learning things ive never thought of before. By collecting the travel data by visualising it on paper i realised that I make 4left turns and 8right turns to get to class every Monday. This data doesn’t really mean anything to me but its become part of  my personal trivia