Sound recording Exercise – out and about at RMIT

What problems did you encounter? What did you try to do to get past or mitigate these?
Occasional popping would occur when speaking too close to the mic. To get past this we would give notice to the operator with the headphones on before shouting into the recorder (courtesy), or we would just speak further away from teh mic.

What were your most successful recordings?
The well planned and tested ones. We recorded in the space as a test and then we would make actual recordings as heard in the Soundcloud.


Did you have difficulty getting ‘clean’ sound – ie good ‘signal to noise ratio’?
At some times background noise was impossible to avoid. There was a high pitched frequency in the toilet interview. It couldnt be avoided but could be fixed in post production. Especially filming outside near the basketball courts, is was nearly impossible to get clear audio with teh basket balls bouncing in the background.

This was the final mixdown in Audition
Screen Shot 2016-04-20 at 9.57.05 PMAS you can see, the larger areas in red are where there is the most noise in the audio (near the end when we were outside), and the audio with gaps is where there is least noise(the middle)

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