Relating the statement “Innovation and progress is hindered by scientific regulation.” to the 2007 video game Bioshock.

In the opening of Bioshock (2007) the haunting sound of the recorded voice of antagonist Andrew Ryan recites the philosophy that the underwater city of Rapture was based on.


He says that Rapture is a city where “…the artist need no fear the censor, where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality, where the great would not be constrained by the small.”

The fictional city had no lawful restrictions on science, and as such its denizens made marvoulus scientific advancements such as genetic manipulation, and Rapture is designed to be a utopian society free from bruecrocity.

However the state of Rapture as perceived by the player is not a utopia, it is dilapidated and its citizens are deranged junkies addicted to the biological advances made by science.

The message of game is completely opposite to the message given by the characters inside the game. The philosophy of Rapture is one of pure capitalism, and individuality in order to transend the other societies of the world.

However the message the game sends to real-life audiences is against this libertarian viewpoint, and definitely does no advocate releasing science from any forms of restraint or regulation.

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