Second Meeting minutes



  • Progress report on annotated bibliography
  1. Sandy – a bit behind because I was sick, but will be done by tomorrows class.
  2. Kristian – done
  3. Ali – done
  • Spitballed ideas for brief, including a mockumentory about video games as a medium, looking at GTA and how it incorportates many mediums, as well as looking at Red Dead Redemtion and L.A Noire as games reviving “dead” genres in a new medium.


Our definitions of “Medium”

  • Sandy: The different formats that artists can use to convey their message.
  • Kristian: A channel of common intercommunication across avenues such as print, visuals and sound
  • Ali: Communication tools that can change the perspective of the masses.
  • Talked about the general summary of our bibliography


We will further discuss what our artifact will be tomorrow in class with Racheal for advice.


End of meeting.

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