“Dear Future Self” 10 Things I want to learn from this course.

Since I need more blog posts, and this was a suggested one: Here is the 10 things I wrote down in class that I want to get out of this course.

  1. Get better at editing video
  2. Make stuff outside of my comfort zone
  3. Learn how to use software better
  4. Get better at working on group projects
  5. Learn proper terminology for media/film stuff
  6. Make a movie with a fake blood special effect that puts Kill Bill: vol 1 to shame
  7. Learn more about how the media industry works
  8. Learn to write more realistic dialouge
  9. Figure out how to have multiple bits of a video on screen at once in non-stard shaped screens (EG a “shattered glass” effect with each section showing the scene from a different angle (Multiple shots would probably be nessiary so cameras cant be seen)
  10. Make firends with similar interests and hobbies to me

Those were my 10 things, hopefully my future self looks back on this and feels proud, but honestly he’ll probably forget about it in 2 weeks.

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