New Semester, Big Plans for Small Things | Assignment One

Part One
Having already completed the studio, ‘Box‘, and ‘Small Things‘ being of a similar nature to Box, I really wanted to use this opportunity to hone in on technical skills throughout the semester. This is mostly because I don’t feel nearly as confident as I would like to be with not only a camera, but Premiere too; that is, with my somewhat limited knowledge, I could be doing a lot more, and hope to by the end of the semester.

Learning a lot of the ‘right’ ways to do things on set is also important to me, as I want to know what exactly to do on a professional shoot so that (if I’m being quite honest) I don’t completely embarrass myself. While not limited to, this means making sure I can coil a cable directly, knowing what jargon to use and what it all means, how to use the equipment, etc. Another aim of this semester is to make sure I stay on top of my work (already we’re not off to the best start), as well as push myself to create outside of class- whether this is short, scenic vlogs or getting back into film photography.

Part Two
This short clip is using footage from a class exercise where we had to shoot an ‘action’ using three different shots. Quickly collating them together, I envisioned that with Tristan’s unsettling movements and fierce eye contact, that the viewer would feel uncomfortable and maybe, somewhat disturbed.

From filming this short sequence of movements I learnt one thing very quickly- fix your exposure! Trying to colour grade in premiere proved extremely difficult as I had completely blown out the background making it impossible to correct in post-production. I’m also aware that adjustment layers aren’t the proper way of editing a video, but seeing as the majority of shots were so similar, I just wanted to be able to experiment across the entire timeline.

I feel as though my actual construction of shots works though, I personally like that Tristian is centred, instead of using a more traditional rule of thirds approach, as it adds to the feeling of discomfort.

Part Three
Deconstruction of ‘The Office’– Style of Filmography


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