Just figuring out my future...

Author: Alana Cooper (page 5 of 6)

Lecture week 6

Todays lecture involved librarian Amy Saunders who gave us very useful tips on how to effectively use Library Search when resourcing. I had already listened to Amy’s lecture in another subject, so I used the time to edit and update my blog. Rachel then took us through the importance of teamwork or “collaboration” in the workplace. We wrote down our good and bad experiences we’ve had when working in teams. I for one know how frustrating it is when other team members fail to contribute their share of the work load. However, most of my team work experiences have been positive. It’s a great way to establish heaps of ideas, and helps  solve problems more efficiently. When working in teams, you always have support and there is generally less stress on each individual. We discussed what collaboration is good for, which I agreed it helps to develop leadership, practise professional communication and establish peer relationships.


Self-portrait from Alana Cooper on Vimeo.

Lecture 4 Reflection

Todays lecture covered many areas. We had two guest lecturers, one spoke about documentaries and the importance of whats real and what realism means. Whilst the other spoke about editing and how actual editing is what engages an audience into a story. It’s what gets their brains thinking and questioning what the story is about. We were also given time to write our own stories, based on 5 postie notes. My partner and I created a dramatic story of a day in the life of bad luck. Our character had numerous events happen throughout the day, which contributed to the “worst day” of his life. We then had to try incorporate 3 other events, one being a major turning point, and try to fit them into our storyline.  The editing side of the lecture was probably the most interesting, I really liked the examples he used and how he got us thinking as the audience.

Media Lecture Reflection..

Yesterday’s lecture involved two guest speakers. We had a lady tell us all about copyright and how to avoid infringement when producing our own work, which was very informative and useful information. That part required a lot of attention as there is so many rules and exceptions involved with copyrighting. We then heard from Kyla, who produces her own radio documentaries. She showed us some of her best work which was very interesting. She also encouraged us to research elements of the world which are outside our comfort zone, and to be persistent and enthusiastic about our work. Kyla was really motivating and her experiences in life were inspiring.

Presentation Reflection

Yesterday we presented our work on project one to a small group in the class. Their feedback was great, and helped me think of ways to better my examples of self-identity. They really liked my two videos and thought they were funny and creative. They also gave me ways to better some of my images, which I intend to do before I bring all my pieces together in the video. The other girls on my table had some cool ideas as well, with Georgia speed videoing a polaroid picture of herself developing. That was probably my favourite example used in the whole class, but everyone else had some very interesting ways of identifying themselves too.  


Netball Sound

Lakes Entrance

Lakes Entrance from Alana Cooper on Vimeo.

Babysitting Marli

Babysitting Marli from Alana Cooper on Vimeo.

50 words..

When I was in grade 6 everyone all my peers had to write down something nice about their classmates. I remember the words smart, hard working and friendly being used over again, when it was time for my peers to write about me. I wonder if they’d be different now?

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