What makes a blog engaging?
This question is a difficult one to answer simply because every individual has their own taste in content they like to read. Some be factual, imaginary or a simple rant etc. I agree with Prezis‘ idea that the headline is vital for a blog. It shouldn’t be too long, however it should be catchy and very briefly give an idea of what the blog is about. Prezi also mentions that as writers we are to know ourselves, for example I believe I’m more of a thinker and personal story teller. It’s also important to make your material ‘scannable’, for instance using bold, underline, lists and links within your blog so you can attract readers to your main points.
Joyce’s Twelve Blue blog was not really my cup of tea. The theme/layout reminds me of an old, semi-broken computer, where everything is in blue links. To be completely honest it hurts my eyes. But as I said, everyone has their personal taste, however to someone like me, that blog tastes like mashed broccoli.
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