The lecture this week was one I was looking forward to as ‘institutions’ was the topic my group was given for project brief 4. Although I found the lecture interesting, it didn’t really give me any new ideas for the project. Which I guess is a good thing, it means Jess, Alaine and I were on the right track when dismantling the idea of ‘what is a media institution’. The lecture discussed institutions as a term from sociology. It also encouraged us to consider the social, cultural, political, and economics relationships. As well as the principles, values, and rules that underlay these. As I said, the lecture didn’t change my mind on what to include on our website for project brief 4, however it was great to hear a little more about the topic before we really got into it. After this talk, Paul spoke to us about our work attachments, which we have to complete as part of this degree, usually in 2nd or 3rd year. It’s basically 80 hours of work experience with a company or institution of our choice. I haven’t started thinking about where I’d like to complete mine, however I’d like to make sure I get the most out of the experience that I possibly can. Paul offered his help (if needed) to find work attachments, I may use this in the near future.
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