Our last day in new York and we rush out of the beautiful and artsy apartment straight to the train station without even a proper goodbye…
I’ll miss New York, there’s definitely a unique quality that comes with the pace and bustle and life that is NYC. Although, I definitely won’t miss all of the loud noises and pushy people.
Onward to Boston we go!
Beantown, as it is affectionately called for some reason (I mean, Chicago is the one with the bean sculpture, right?).
Beacon Hill, where we are now staying. Basically, a great big hill to walk up.
There are a lot of streets named after nuts here. there’s even a macadamia street. I’d like to say that sounds fishy, but it’s not really the right food group…
Our street. Our apartment is a very strange one. Not only does it seem to be a smoking allowed building, but the floor is slanted in places and has a very quaint, colonial-esque decor. It’s also a 3rd floor walk-up, which after walking up the huge hill that is Beacon Hill, can be quite the trial…
I have to admit, it is really nice to be in Boston. The city itself, its sprawl and just general pace seems to be more like home. Even the temperature is more like home, as New York was just a little too humid for my liking. The next week should prove to be interesting to say the least, especially since I discovered we now have access to American Netflix.