Reflection #9: A New Journey, Short Filmmaking

*recent developments* – I’ve had a number of discussions recently with very close, and very philosophical friends and have come to realise how I need to approach this experimental anthology essay film (or whatever it may be) with precision and clarity. Until this point I have simply jump cut from observation to idea to idea to the actualisation of a moment. I never questioned what it was exactly that I was trying to get across, what I wanted to express in my film, whether or not every idea was ultimately in line with these beliefs, I just jumped. And now I realise that I need to take a step back and look at what it is I’m trying to make, because if I don’t ultimately know, the audience won’t either.


This week we organised ourselves into core groups. I was very surprised that when I entered the room so many people on my table (and even others who had gravitated towards it) really wanted to work with me on my film. So much so that the whole table was divided between choosing which film they wanted to create, which was a truly amazing and gratifying compliment, especially when I didn’t feel so confident in my own idea. I wound up with a core team of four people, including myself. An oddly large amount of people for such a small film, but we’ll make it work 🙂

Because it’s my idea I’ve found myself taking on writing, directing and editing, the story and structure elements. Given that our team is so large though, it does mean that we can shoot more often and get this project completed without very much outside assistance. There will be some areas we will need help in however, such as colour grading, acting, and depending on the size of the shoot, we may need extra hands as well.

We had our first shoot this weekend and it went surprisingly well. I was acting in it with my dog Holly, as well as directing. We worked really well together as a team, got through all of the shots and communicated effectively. It was a really great day and everyone did an amazing job 🙂

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