Reflection #15: The Final Piece

For a while now Robin has been pushing us to develop our concept past the original four moments to include a fifth moment, a moment we originally wanted to include but found the hardest to think of and source. We agreed with Robin that the piece felt somehow lacking without an addition, but it was finding the right part that was hardest. Once we’d completed all the other moments we found that our ideas had broadened and then condensed into a clear vision, allowing us to understand precisely what was needed to fill in that gap.

Using found footage, a motif we had developed throughout the piece, Ryan and I crafted a moment around the way people project their own ideals and desires onto others. This entailed finding footage that showed people treating technology or an animal the way they wanted to treat it, the way that suited their own personal agendas and desires as opposed to the way the animal naturally acts and behaves. We found this in the documentary Snowy, Chilly, Motley… and Me: A Personal View of Pets. As the documentary clinically objectifies these animals and treats them as pets, we were able to take that footage and re-purpose it, using harrowing music to emphasise the indoctrinating nature of what is unfolding on screen, to empahsise the way an animals basic behaviours are stripped to be replaced with cuter ones that fulfill our base desires.

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