Reflection #13: A Thesis Statement Reveals Itself…

Today, after meeting with Robin on Wednesday and explaining my convoluted mind map to at least three different people as I found that this was the only way I was able to explain my visit for the film to people clearly. But was it really clear? You’d have to ask them.

Since I doubt my beautiful mind map was clear at all:


I decided to rewrite my thesis statement. So here it is, my new two paragraph thesis statement as discerned from the above mind map by yours truly:

Observation is denoted by the romanticism and personification of the Other. Observation is an ultimately subjective act, an act that can only be performed in isolation. This isolation inflates our human desires as well as our selfish attitudes, such as narcissism and arrogance, as the isolated observation of the Other leads us to view ourselves as at the centre of the universe, or at least our perceived universe.

The Other  as observed in this piece is animals and technology. Both have been designed for a purpose by humans, technology built, animals bred for their purpose. As we perceive animals and technology as the Other, seperate and yet a part of ourselves, we told our identity and our understanding of ourselves from our relationship to them. Therefore we create both ourselves and the Other due to our influence on animals and technology.

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