Observation #11

The Scarf

Looped around the handle of the metallic rubbish bin casing, and directly next to the yellow and orange painted ‘safety zone’, is a beautiful scarf. A scarf made of what any passerby would assume to be the finest pink, fuchsia , brown and goldish yellow, I guess you could say mustard, silk. Together the colours combine into a glorious, royal arrangement. Curls and floral designs fill the panel, mimicking something you would imagine could ordane the edges of a very posh house. If this is indeed a fine silk scarf, then one could only imagine the stereotype it could belong to.

Right now, in fact, I am imagining an elderly debutante, her skin a canvas of seemingly very little, but the few lines that are present tell many tales of laughter, anguish, and everything in between. One would suspect that these lines would not exist for much longer. As for the scarf, it plays a magnificent role in her illusion, covering up her now loose and folding skin, that is until she fixes that, then she’ll have no need for the scarf, and it will wind up where it is now, dangling from the handle of a rubbish bin case, waiting for the next person to pick it up.

However, there is always the alternative. That this is in-fact not genuine silk, that it is some nylon amateur masquerading and pretending to be silk, adopting the beautiful, classical design in order to feel like the silk, like it belongs on the top shelf with the silk, and not attached to a rubbish bin, dancing in the wind as though longing for its purpose.


A young girl of 12 with flamboyant style, finds a scarf and falls in love with it. She decides that she’s going to become a runway model, with this scarf, she could do anything. But society’s ideals have very different ideas than she does, and her enthusiasm and passion are continuously blocked by increasingly arbitrary walls.

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