Group Project Update: Week 3

It’s week 3 of our group project and we’ve just pitched our documentaries to the class officially. The class really helped us to get a grasp of the shot footage documentary, as after seeing our pitch they felt it was too big for three minutes and needed to somehow be tightened or ‘pivoted’ into a different story. They thought a broader, multicultural idea might work better, which I thought sounded awesome. They also thought there was a bit of an ethical issue with the way we were using the voice of our interviewee, but they really liked the texture of his voice. So we agreed that recording some other voices would work really well, and convey a greater multicultural perspective.

The class also helped too clarify the found footage documentary, as to be honest at the time of the pitch I had no idea how to put it together or what sound would work well with it, so was feeling a little lost. They helped by solidifying the concept, a history of Australian racism in three minutes. They also helped to solidify the soundtrack, affirming my sporadic ideas for it, using boat sounds such as the ocean and boat creaks, as well as bigoted statements from politicians.

The documentaries are really starting to feel like they’re coming together, however I’m still the only person working on the found footage documentary in my group.

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