Sound as Texture

Sound texture plays hand in hand with connotation, it’s what you feel through the sound. Mix quality, fidelity, layers, direction, non-verbal information, location, stereotypical generalisations. All of these come through the sound’s textures, we can hear the connotations in the textures cuing us into this new and unique world the sound is creating. The idea that sound can create texture, that it’s something tangible, that you can almost feel the unique timbres of each sound as they vibrate against your eardrum, is quite peaceful and embracing.

This textured quality of sound allows information through every vibration, surrounding you in a world you may not realise you’ve created until you’re in it.

For me the most interesting sounds, with the most interesting textures are definitely the field sounds you hear everyday, like the train, the tram, the railway gates, the sound the green man makes when he’s flashing at the lights, all of these sounds have unique emotive timbres and connotative values that effect the piece through their own unique textures. The thing that most interests me about these sounds is the idea of taking such sounds and removing them from their environment, taking them out of context, and using them for their emotional tones and qualities.

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