On Monday for our media 1 workshop we did a camera practice on the Sony MC50E HD video camera, in which we had to show two people meeting and shaking hands then parting ways. We also, somehow managed to create a coherent and flowing narrative with a beginning middle and end. So enjoy this very random story of, shaking hands.
First Shot: Alaine Thompson
Second Shot: Samantha Antolini
Third Shot: Oliver Clark
This practice was very useful to not only get used to how to effectively use the tripod and video camera, but it also opened up my eyes to visual composition. Through each sequence it was easy to see, especially since we actually gave each its own meaning within the sequence of shots, that the way you present the action within the shot can give your story an entirely new meaning, allowing for a filmmaker to really have great control over the overall feel and flow of their film, simply by adjusting the composition of the shot slightly.