I have really enjoyed being part of Room With a View this semester. I think that the practical side of this course is incredibly useful, and I feel that I have learnt so much throughout the studio. I have gained confidence in contacting organisations for potential interviews, as well as arranging solutions as quickly as possible when these interviews have fallen through. One example is when the Lupus Foundation had contacted me a day before our first show went to air, offering a contact who lives in Sydney. This happened to us later on in the semester when arranging an interview with the Listen Collective for the feature. On both occasions, I gained the opportunity to learn new skills and to work under pressure in an un-ideal situation. In terms of new skills, I learnt how to properly conduct a phone interview live on air only two hours before going live to air; which was something that I had to conduct again for our feature in interviewing the Listen Collective.
I think that our feature and our second show was a success. I very much enjoyed presenting, and although I was nervous in the beginning of the show- I got very comfortable in the role as the show progressed. I feel that I should work on my interview skills whilst going live to air, but I feel that myself and my co-presenter Laura worked really well together in the two interview we conducted with Free to Feed and the Melbourne Period Project.
I am very proud of myself for learning how to panel operate in our first show in week 9. I remember when I first went into the studio, and thinking to myself how there was no way I could ever learn so many details involved in panel operating. I quickly learned the skills involved, and feel very confident now in panelling. Although I was not overly happy with my panel operating in week 9, I remember being happy with the work that I did in the demo in week 4/5. I hope with further practice, I can perfect my skills in panel operating, but I am proud of myself for learning to basics that are required in the responsibility for panel operating a show.
The work that myself and my group did in our feature resulted in a piece on a very important, yet little discussed issue. We are all happy to work on a piece to raise awareness on sexual assault at music festivals, as all five of us worked on an issue that we were passionate about. I was in charge of scheduling and performing the interview with the Listen Collective, and managed to gain insightful parts for our feature in this interview. I also took part in the scripting of the narration, as well as assisted in anyway that I could throughout the feature.
I am grateful to be given the opportunity to volunteer at Triple R, as myself and my group have shared stories and important issues to listeners, as well as learnt a great number of skills throughout our time in this studio.