Today, we had our first show for Room With a View. Unfortunately, there has been a few issues with our show. I had arranged the interview with the Lupus foundation, and they contacted me with a cancellation yesterday at midday. They had offered to arrange a phone interview with a volunteer from the organisation with someone from Sydney. I immediately contacted Elizabeth and Sam for approval, which I promptly received. I was a little proud of myself for fixing this problem, as I felt completely responsibility for this cancellation, as this organisation was my idea in the first place. It taught me for next time to make it very clear that we need an in studio interview for Room With a View.
We all came in at about 10am to make sure that we had a few practices before going live on the air at 12pm. I think that the practices went well, and included a fake interview. I was thankful for this extra time, as it allowed me to practice how to conduct a phone interview.
Unfortunately, I feel that I did not perform my best whilst we were live to air. I think I allowed my nerves to get the better of me. I confused myself in the beginning, and accidentally turned off the Room With a View introduction. I was very embarrassed by this, and I tried to make sure to not make any mistakes like that again.
I think that my reaction times were slower than I would have liked. I think that I did too big of pause in between songs and talking and sponsorship announcements.
I think that my reaction times were slow, and there were various parts where I think that I needed to improve on. It was frustrating at the time, because I knew exactly what I was doing wrong and how to correct it. It was nothing like the demo, and I think I need to practice the skill to performing to an audience live to air. It is a much different environment than I expected, and I am looking forward to improving this skill.
However, I was quite pleased with the paneling skills involved in my phone interview. It was a concept that was very new to me, and I think I did quite well, considering the fact that I had only did it the first time only two hours prior.