Exploring Triple R studios certainly was a very interesting day. Learning the basic steps of paneling was, however, a little intimidating. Although my group has arranged a practice day for next week on Labor day, I am a concerned about how this will fair out for me. I know the basics such as the microphone, but there were so many little details, such as playing music from a laptop, or selecting one from the music library.
The speaking skills were incredibly helpful today- the only difficult part is remembering to put them in action. This included a straight back and projecting the voice, making sure that your mouth is right next to the microphone but not touching it and speaking clearly and somewhat slowly. When I was younger, I was very self-conscious of my own voice (oh the irony of focusing on radio); I feel that I must remember to speak slowly and enunciate the words being said. I also think that I would need to widen my vocabularly- I think it would be frustrating for the audience and for others if I used the same words over and over again (perhaps I should carry around a theasarus- or is that cheating?)
In terms of ideas- it was wonderful to get to know my group a little more today. We all seem to be in the same boat with regards to ideas for interviews, and that we all seem to be intimidated by the idea that it can be anything at all. However, by the end of the day, we started to process a few ideas that may lead to a successful show. Hopefully the private facebook group means that this will happen sooner rather than later.