The demo is complete today, which is a relief. We had two pre-recorded interviews (as the assessment indicated) but I feel that we struggled with the amount of time we had. We decided to improvise, by the end, and I feel that we were successful. I think that we need a little more practice with the running sheet- although it was good and displayed the allocated time slots, it was more the fact that we needed two minutes for intro, when actually it was scripted for a minute. I am not concerned though, this is the purpose of the demo is it not?
Panelling wise- I was quite proud of myself. To be honest, I do need a little bit of practice. It was hard to be constantly on top of everything. We had to rely on an iPod for music, so to line that up with the required commercials and triple R recordings was a little stressful at some points. But I really did enjoy panelling, and would like to do it again when we are on air. I feel that I was successful in letting everyone know how much time they had left, and tried my very best to act as if we were live to air (I did this by informing presenters when the microphones were on, and indicating when the song would finish.)
I think I need a little bit more practice with the panelling and a little bit of help of maintaining the levels.
Unfortunately, due to the Easter break, Laura was not avaliable, which meant that she selected the music for the show. Amalina came home earlier to make sure that she helped out as her role as producer. I think that so far, the group is communicating (thanks to a private Facebook page) and working well.