This week focused on, essentially, media texts. I think that this topic is quite an extensive topic in media, but the discussion of the lecture was interesting. I studied year 12 media last year, and still recall learning semiotics and theorists such as Roland Barthes for the end of year exams. Nevertheless, it was still interesting to explore the ideas of the media theories again.
This weeks’ readings included Branston and Stafford. I thought that is reading was very informative. I was introduced to terms that I was not aware of previously, such as the term “intertextuality.” This means, essentially, that there is a number of different ways that media texts can interact with each other, and are not limited by remaining different from one another. However, this reading did included topics that I have previously studied, such as the study of semiotics. But instead of being bored by re-reading an already learned topic, I was fascinated by their explanation and examples of symbols.